I've always painted in oils, but there are disadvantages, especially the drying time. It can take months for an oil painting to dry. As I got back into painting, I decided to give acrylic paints a try. I doubt that I'll go back to oils. My first experiment with acrylics was a big one. I decided to paint an iconic scene familiar to those who live in the Bismarck-Mandan, ND area -- looking down the Missouri to the south, featuring the three bridges that connect the sister cities. This particular location is not far from where we live.
My rendition of the scene is impressionistic and rich with texture. Most of this was done with palette knife, except for the steel beams and arches of the railroad bridge. When I posted the finished painting on Facebook, a former Bismarck resident commented that he instantly got "the feels" for his hometown when he saw this painting.
I entered the painting in the Bismarck Arts and Galleries Association's Fall Art Show, the first time I've done that. I was pleased by the judge's positive comments and that my painting was chosen as a gallery selection for the Clairmont Gallery at the University of Mary in Bismarck. It certainly encouraged me to keep painting!
